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/* ---------- Links --------- */
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/* ---------- Image --------- */
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/* ========== HEADER ========== */
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/* ---------- Navigation --------- */
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/* ========== SLIDER ========== */
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/* ========== BANNERS ========== */
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/* ========== TRAINING ========== */
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/* ---------- Shedule --------- */
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.schedule .schedule-container {
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#schedule-content div p {
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/* ---------- Events --------- */
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/* ---------- News --------- */
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.sidebar .news p {
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.sidebar .news span {
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/* ========== ACTIVITY ========== */
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/* ---------- Social-group --------- */
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/* ---------- Tweets --------- */
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/* ---------- YouTube --------- */
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/* ========== Footer-menu ========== */
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/* ---------- Form-search --------- */
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/* ========== FOOTER ========== */
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/* ---------- Social-r --------- */
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/* ---------- Phone --------- */
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/* ========== SECONDARY PAGE ========== */
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/* ---------- Submenu --------- */
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